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Dr Louis Allott

Dr Louis Allott

Dr Louis Allott is an expert in radiochemistry and radiopharmaceutical development. He has a PhD in PET Radiochemistry and has held research positions at prestigious institutions in the UK, including the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) and Imperial College London. He initially joined the MIRC project in January 2021 as Head of Radiochemistry, as part of his role of Lecturer in Radiochemistry & Molecular Imaging at the Hull York Medical School, University of Hull. 

Louis parted from the University in December 2024 to establish Radiopharmium Limited, a consultancy providing expertise to industry, academia and charity in the radiopharmaceutical space; he also holds an Honorary Lecturer in Radiochemistry position at King’s College London where he is continuing to develop new radiopharmaceuticals for imaging and treating cancer. Louis continues to work closely with the Daisy Appeal and MIRC team to advise on strategy, and to input into establishing the production of radiopharmaceuticals for patient scanning.

Louis says: “There are huge healthcare inequalities in the UK. Access to the latest diagnostic PET scanning technology is one such example. Some new therapies require patients to receive a pre-treatment PET scan, so it’s easy to see how a lack of PET provision could result in missed treatment opportunities for patients.” He goes on to say that “The Daisy Appeal Charity, through establishing facilities like the Jack Brignall PET-CT Scanning centre, and now the Molecular Imaging Research Centre (MIRC) have, and will undoubtedly continue, to improved patient care in our region and beyond and I’m delighted to play a role in this venture”. 

In his free time, Louis enjoys walking his dogs, especially if there is a pub en-route! 

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100% of the donations received go to fund vital lifesaving research and provision of medical scanning facilities.
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The Hull and East Yorkshire Medical Research Centre
A Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee in England and Wales. Company No. 4017833
Registered office: Daisy Building, Castle Hill Hospital, Castle Road, Cottingham HU16 5JQ Registered Charity No. 1095652

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